A Morning with Seth Godin

The brilliant thought leader and marketeer Seth Godin shares his views on upheaval and opportunity in a brave new world, powered by the Internet.  The venue:  Wyly Theater, hosted by Dallas Social Venture Partners via luxury/retail guru Steven Dennis, a … Continue reading

Jacki Zehner: Game-Changer in Focused Philanthropy

Jacki Zehner saw first-hand the importance of helping others, watching her mother take the initiative with those less fortunate in her Canadian hometown — driving them to doctor’s appointments, cooking for them, generally seeing a need and filling it. Then, … Continue reading

Are you a YES-aholic? Here is your 12-step cure.

  Every time you say yes, you give away a piece of yourself.  It’s a commitment of time, energy, brainpower and bandwidth. If you are operating at full capacity, there is little margin for error.  When you experience a spike in … Continue reading

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