Are you a YES-aholic? Here’s your 12-step cure

Every time you say yes, you give away a piece of yourself.  It’s a commitment of time, energy, brainpower and bandwidth. If you are operating at full capacity, there is little margin for error.  When you experience a spike in demand, … Continue reading

To Design your Future Life….Flash Forward then Fill in the Blanks

I’ve written a guest blogpost for PrimeWomen a new, on-line magazine where you will find a storehouse of strategic content for those seeking new horizons and career transition. Your future life may span many more years than you think.  Best … Continue reading

Are you a YES-aholic? Here is your 12-step cure.

  Every time you say yes, you give away a piece of yourself.  It’s a commitment of time, energy, brainpower and bandwidth. If you are operating at full capacity, there is little margin for error.  When you experience a spike in … Continue reading

Copyright © 2012 Nancy Keene