If you’re thinking of stretching the truth on your resume — or presenting a blatant falsehood — here’s a word of advice.
DON’T! ! !
Career columnist Michelle Goodman interviewed me for a story on this topic. Here’s the link on ABCnews.com.
Since we’re in a jobless ”economic recovery,” there is a feeding frenzy for the modest number of opportunities that exist. Understandably so.
But it’s critical to be pristeen in representing yourself. Whatever you’re hiding is likely to be uncovered in a background check, which is de rigueur for most positions from entry level to C-suite.
In the old days before the Internet and electronic databases, it was easy to fudge and get away with it. But no longer. It’s the fastest way to eliminate yourself from consideration. You will also burn bridges with valued colleagues who refer and recommend you for potential new opportunities.
Here’s another nightmare scenario. A falsehood uncovered during an interview process for a new position could reverberate if you’re currently employed. Suppose the hiring manager for the new role knows your existing boss. If you lied and got away with it — in pursuit of your current role — you could be fired for the original misrepresentation.
Be open. Be upfront. Be honest.
July 2, 2010