Emphasize the obstacles that could prevent success.
The hero has to suffer mightily en route to his final triumph.Schwartz knew that people loved to suffer, as long as the suffering made sense. Everybody suffered. The key was to choose the form of your suffering. Most people couldn’t do this alone; they needed a coach.
A good coach made you suffer in the way that suited you. A bad coach made everyone suffer in the same way, and so was more like a torturer.
So….here we are in a protracted economic downturn compounded by global uncertainty. Very important to incorporate the happiness factor. But there is an element of suffering in the equation.
- How are you leading?
- Are you mandating across-the-board moves that require everyone to suffer the same way?
- What would happen if sacrifice/discipline could be tailored on more of an individual basis?
- How might that impact the performance of the (pick one) organization, family, government?
Good coach vs. torturer.
It’s an intriguing management analysis, whether you are leading or being led.
Note to pundits and pollsters: Also relevant in the political arena, whether you are voting or running for office.
September 29, 2011