Spark & Hustle — Dallas

With Election Day results looming, you don’t have to be a Republican or a Democrat to know that the economy is our top-of-mind concern.

Tory Johnson, the brilliant workplace contributor for Good Morning America, hosted a cozy gathering of local women business leaders last night — with some solutions.  She is bringing Spark & Hustle — a practical and intense 3-day ”boot camp” — to Dallas on March 24-26, 2011 to help women with an entrepreneurial bent succeed faster.    It’s part of a national road show. 

Tory built her business Women for Hire as a series of highly-successful career fairs.  In an era where fewer jobs are being created, Spark & Hustle is a natural progression.  Create your own job by building your own business. 

It’s a way that enterprising women have monetized their talents around the world.

I will never forget visiting Budapest several years after the fall of the Berlin Wall.  You could still see ominous, bleak traces of the communist regime – gray prisons, forbidding walls and blacked-out windows.  But there were also signs of commercial innovation – and a szalon on every street!  The Hungarian women weren’t waiting to learn new business skills.  They were building businesses doing what they already knew how to do – hair! 

According to those who participated in the pilot program, Spark & Hustle will be an intense series of workshops with a focus on what works best and what to avoid in the world of doing it yourself — instead of in someone else’s company.  Expect lots of known local female entrepreneurs sharing their success secrets. 

For a special FOT — Friend of Tory — conference rate, please shoot me an email and you will receive a code which will provide special pricing for on-line registration.  See you there!

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