Attention BabyBoomers: It’s OK to be on Facebook!

It caught my attention.

A Saturday career session on the topic of Business Use of Facebook. The email invitation included a link. The presenter — Shama Hyder, founder of Click to Client — had been profiled in Fast Company magazine. Impressive!

Of course, we “suits” are all clicked in to LinkedIn. But the college-spawned youth sites? MySpace remains the purview of kids and entertainers. However, Facebook is now a platform for grown-ups and business use. C’mon in!

Shama had some outstanding tips and I’ve added some insight of my own:

1. If LinkedIn is a formal business meeting, FB is like a coffee shop. Apply a friendlier, more open tone/demeanor.

2. Have a strategy of what you want to accomplish.

3. Use a photo! Very important, as blank faces on someone’s friend roster are boring. Go ahead and pick a more casual shot that expresses an attractive side of yourself.

4. Be prepared that the content will inevitably combine a mix of business and personal.

5. Recruit an interesting mix of people of varying demographics to be your friends. Think of it as your own personal on-line Salon! (Use the personal note option in extending invitations/requests.)

6. Review various entries to see how others are using FB.

7. You don’t have to post years of birth, graduation if you don’t want to!

8. Think of how you can combine/promote blog posts w/ FB entries.

9. Be judicious. Self-edit in keeping with your personal/professional brand, but realize it is all blurring into one.

10. FB is a robust and dynamic platform that showcases content in a visual and lively way. If LinkedIn is a b+w company newsletter, then FB is color TV w/ cable!

More later…..

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